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Dundee Performs
Performance Indicators
Performance Indicators
Leisure & Culture
Cost per attendance at sports facilities
% of adults satisfied with leisure facilities
Cost per library visit (£)
% adults satisfied with libraries
Cost per museum visit (£)
% adults satisfied with museums and galleries
Corporate Services
Corporate Finance
Variance % between revenue budget and actual expenditure
Support service costs as a % of expenditure
% of invoices paid within 30 days
% procurement spend on local enterprises
Proportion of Scottish Welfare Fund Crisis Grant Decisions within 1 day
Proportion of Scottish Welfare Fund Community Care Grant Decisions within 15 days
Proportion of Scottish Welfare Fund Budget Spent
Proportion of Discretionary Housing Payment funding spent
Customer Services and IT
Customer satisfaction with telephone service
Cost per dwelling of collecting Council Tax
Total number of online transactions
Cost of Collecting Non Domestic Rates per Property (£)
Percentage of customers using self service options
% of income due from council tax received by the end of the year
% of invoices sampled that were paid within 30 days
People Services
% of the workforce under 25
% of highest paid 5% of employees who are women
Sickness days per employee - teachers
Sickness days per employee (non-teacher)
Gender pay gap
Financial Sustainability
Total useable reserves as a % of council annual budgeted revenue
Uncommitted General Fund Balance as a % of council annual budgeted net revenue
Ratio of Financing Costs to Net Revenue Stream - General Fund
Ratio of Financing Costs to Net Revenue Stream - Housing Revenue Account
Actual outturn as a percentage of budgeted expenditure
City Development
Economic Development
Unemployment rate within the city
Youth unemployment rate
Business Gateway start-ups per 10,000 population
Percentage of Working Age People in Employment
Proportion of people earning less than the Living Wage
Proportion of properties receiving superfast broadband
Town Vacancy Rates
Visitor numbers to Dundee (000s)
SME Business Base per 10,000 Head of Working Age Population
Median Earnings of Total Resident Workers as a Percentage of Scottish Average
Gross weekly pay for full time employees living in the area.
Number of workless households in Dundee.
Claimant Count as a % of 16-24 Population.
Claimant Count as a % of Working Age Population.
Participation rate for 16-19 year olds (%)
Proportion of procurement spent on local enterprises
% Unemployed people accessing jobs via Council funded/operated employability programmes
Investment in Economic Development and Tourism per 1,000 (£)
Immediately available employment land as a % of total land allocated for employment purposes in the local development plan
Average time per Business or Industry planning application (weeks)
Cost of planning & building standards per planning application (£)
Climate Change
Energy consumption in council buildings in tonnes of CO2
C02 Emissions area wide per capita
CO2 emissions area wide: emissions within scope of LA per capita
DCC Carbon Footprint Emissions (t CO2)
CO2 emissions from Transport per capita
CO2 emissions from Electricity per capita
CO2 emissions from Natural Gas per capita
% of internal floor area of operational buildings in satisfactory condition
% of operational buildings in satisfactory condition
Roads and Transport
Active travel as a % of trips to work
Cost of maintenance per kilometre of roads (£)
% A class roads that should be considered for maintenance
% B class roads that should be considered for maintenance
% C class roads that should be considered for maintenance
% U class roads that should be considered for maintenance
Neighbourhood Services
Community Safety and Justice
Total number of anti-social behaviour complaints
Net cost of waste collection per premises (£)
Net cost of waste disposal per premises (£)
Net cost of street cleaning per 1,000 population (£)
Street Cleanliness Score
Cost of trading standards, money advice and citizens advice per 1,000 population
Cost of Trading Standards and Environmental Health per 1,000 population (£)
% adults satisfied with street cleaning
Percentage of household waste recycled or composted
Cost of environmental health per 1,000 population (£)
% adults satisfied with refuse collection
Housing and Communities
Proportion of council dwellings meeting Scottish Housing Quality Standards
% of all tenure households living in fuel poverty
Percentage of council dwellings that are energy efficient (EESSH)
Number of Council and Registered Social Landlord new housing completions
Gross rent arrears (all tenants) as a percentage of rent due for the year
% of rent due in the year that was lost due to voids
% of council dwellings meeting Scottish Housing Quality Standards
Average number of days taken to complete non-emergency repairs
Parks and Open Spaces
Parks and Open Spaces cost per 1,000 of the Population (£)
Parks and Open Spaces proportion of adults satisfied
Children and Families
Children's Education
Overall average tariff score
Average total tariff SIMD Q1
Average total tariff SIMD Q2
Average total tariff SIMD Q3
% school leavers entering positive destinations
School Attendance
School exclusion rates per 1,000 pupils
% of pupils achieving 5 or more awards at SCQF Level 6 or higher
% of pupils living in the 20% most deprived areas gaining 5+ awards at level 5
% Pupils in lowest 20% SIMD achieving 5 or more awards at SCQF Level 6 or higher
16 - 19 year olds living in SIMD 1 participating in education, employment or training
Improve the overall attendance of all children and young people living in SIMD Quintile 1
The % take up of free school meals
% gap in attainment tariff scores between school leavers living in SIMD 1 areas and SIMD 5 areas
% point gap in literacy in P1-7 between pupils living in SIMD 1 areas and living in SIMD 5.
% point gap in numeracy in P1-7 between pupils living in SIMD 1 areas and living in SIMD 5 areas.
Average total tariff SIMD Q4
Average total tariff SIMD Q5
% of early years provision which is graded good/better
Cost per Primary School Pupil
Cost per Secondary School Pupil
Cost per Pre-School Education Place
% adults satisfied with local schools
% of P1, P4 & P7 achieving expected CFE level in literacy
% of P1, P4 & P7 achieving expected CFE level in numeracy
Care Experienced Children
% child re-registrations < 18 months
% of Care Experienced Leavers Entering a Positive Destination
% of residential and foster care placements which are rated good or better
School exclusion rates per 1,000 pupils (Care Experienced)
% of Care Experienced Children Children with > one placement in the last year
Gross cost of Looked After Children (residential).
Gross weekly cost of Looked After Children (communities)
Balance of care - % LAC based in community
Children looked after by Dundee City Council on 31st July as a percentage of the 0-17 years population
School attendance rates (Care Experienced Children)
Health and Care
Health and Social Care
Number of days people spend in hospital when they are ready to be discharged as a rate per 1,000 population (75+)
Re-admission to hospital within 28 days of discharge per 1,000 population
Older persons (+65) homecare costs per hour
Self Directed Spend on adults 18+ as a % of total social work spend on adults 18+
% of people 65+ with long-term care needs receiving care at home
Proportion of adult care services graded good or better
% of adults supported at home who agree service had an impact on improving or maintaining their quality of life
Net residential costs for older people per week (aged 65+)
Percentage of Primary 1 Children Classified as Obese or Overweight
Number of drugs deaths
Percentage of people aged 65 or over with long term care needs receiving personal care at home
Percentage of Carers who Feel Supported to Continue in their Caring Role
Rate of emergency hospital admissions where the primary rate of admission was regarding mental health
% of adults supported at home who agree that they are supported to live as independently as possible
% of adults supported at home who agree that they had a say in how their help, care, or support as provided
Chief Executive Services
Chief Executive
Average duration to respond to complaints at stage 1
Average Daily Website Page View Numbers
Number of living wage accredited employers based or headquartered in Dundee
Percentage of children living in poverty after housing costs (relative poverty)
Dundee City Council