Gender pay gap

This is a goldilocks indicator in the LGBF, with the target for all local authorities being 0%

Over the last two years the council have been working on the following outcomes which all contributed to the improvement in the gender pay gap this year:

  • equality and diversity training will be in place for senior leaders.
  • achieve recognition for having a Trauma Informed workforce.
  • revised data definitions for recording equality data for our employees will be implemented having engaged with employees and TUs.
  • leadership and development opportunities will be promoted for our workforce.
  • engage with our workforce to develop career progression and promotion in the Council
  • revised recruitment and selection of young people will be in place.
  • attract candidates from protected characteristics through employability opportunities.
  • achieve digital inclusion across the workforce.
  • understand racism and barriers to promotion and development in the Council by engaging with our employees and service users.
  • our recruitment practice will reflect the Scottish Government's toolkit.
  • monitor applicants for job opportunities and take appropriate actions.
  • take action to address any issues identified by the published gender, disability and ethnicity pay gaps.

 More general information may be obtained on the Corporate Services section of this website.