Dundee City Council is a Local Authority established under the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994. Our main offices are at City Square, Dundee, DD1 3BY.
Data Controller
Dundee City Council is data controller as it determines how your personal information will be processed. By law, data controllers must register with the UK Ombudsman for Data Protection, the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Dundee City Council’s registration number: Z7211936
In order for us to provide services to you as a Local Authority, we need you to give us your personal information. To deliver our services, to meet our legal obligations and protect public funds we need to collect, store, use, share and dispose of personal information. This is known as data processing. We also use your information to verify your identity where required, contact you by post, email or telephone and to maintain our records.
We also receive and share information with third parties. This can be with other public authorities or government departments, such as the police and court service, Audit Scotland, NHS Tayside, HM Revenues and Customs and the Department for Work and Pensions. However, it could also be with other local authorities, our contractors and from members of the public. Details of how this information is passed between us all is given in the specific privacy statements relating to functions where we routinely receive personal information from third parties.
We collect different categories of personal information, depending on the service we provide to you. In most cases, we will need your name and contact details.