What's On - Ladies Choreography and Styling Dance Classes

Ladies Choreography and Styling Dance Classes

Ladies Choreography and Styling Dance Classes image
In these Classes we will cover Solo dance steps and patterns that can be used in Kizomba, Salsa and Bachata, the moves are easy, elegant and feminine. There may also be opportunities to perform selected Dance Choreographies!

The beautiful Dance Styles of Kizomba, Salsa, Bachata blended with a Personal Styling Touch are the Inspiration of the classes. We will practice fundamental techniques and add more flavour to your dance!

In the class we will practice different elements of styling such as:
* Posture
* Body isolations
* Hands and arms
* Footwork
* Hip movements
* Spinning and turns

Information published by Leisure and Culture Dundee.
SBK Dundee
5th Mar 18:30
12th Mar 18:30
19th Mar 18:30
26th Mar 18:30
2nd Apr 18:30
9th Apr 18:30
16th Apr 18:30
23rd Apr 18:30