What's On - Dundee and District Philatelic Society 2024-2025
Dundee and District Philatelic Society 2024-2025

26 September: Roseangle, President’s Night: Victoria To and From Dundee'.
24 October: Roseangle, Perth PS to visit DDPS.
14 November: Roseangle, Officers Entertain.
28 November: Zoom, Richard Hindle (Sheffield PS) Race to the South Pole.
12 December: Roseangle, Recent Acquisitions/Single Sheet Competition.
9 January: Roseangle, Members Participation Night The 1930s.
23 January: Zoom, Chris Harman RDP (The Royal PS) Caveat Emptor:
Forgers and their Works.
13 February: Roseangle, Competition Night.
27 February: Zoom, Jon Higgins (Kings Lynn PS) Sarawak Censored Mail 1939-42/one other British Borneo topic.
13 March: Roseangle, Andy Napier (Lanarkshire PS) Fiji - A Miscellany.
27 March: Roseangle, Visit from Glasgow Thematic Society.
10 April: Roseangle, AGM.
8 May: Invercarse Hotel, Annual DDPS Dinner.
Information published by Leisure and Culture Dundee.
Dundee and District Philatelic Society
13th Mar 19:30
27th Mar 19:30
10th Apr 19:30
8th May 19:30
27th Mar 19:30
10th Apr 19:30
8th May 19:30
17 Roseangle