What's On - Dundee and District Philatelic Society 2024-2025

Dundee and District Philatelic Society 2024-2025

Dundee and District Philatelic Society 2024-2025 image
Dundee and District Philatelic Society is a local society (founded in 1905) and is the oldest active society in Scotland. It is devoted to the collecting and study of philately and meets regularly between September and April each year. Do you have an interest in Stamp Collecting, Postal History or any other branch of philately?, then why not come along to one of our meetings and meet other people interested in the same hobby. Our current membership stands at 33, the majority of whom attend most of our meetings. Society meetings take place usually on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 7:30pm at Dundee Art Society, Roseangle Gallery. You can see details of our latest syllabus below.

26 September: Roseangle, President’s Night: Victoria To and From Dundee'.
24 October: Roseangle, Perth PS to visit DDPS.
14 November: Roseangle, Officers Entertain.
28 November: Zoom, Richard Hindle (Sheffield PS) Race to the South Pole.
12 December: Roseangle, Recent Acquisitions/Single Sheet Competition.

9 January: Roseangle, Members Participation Night The 1930s.
23 January: Zoom, Chris Harman RDP (The Royal PS) Caveat Emptor:
Forgers and their Works.
13 February: Roseangle, Competition Night.
27 February: Zoom, Jon Higgins (Kings Lynn PS) Sarawak Censored Mail 1939-42/one other British Borneo topic.
13 March: Roseangle, Andy Napier (Lanarkshire PS) Fiji - A Miscellany.
27 March: Roseangle, Visit from Glasgow Thematic Society.
10 April: Roseangle, AGM.
8 May: Invercarse Hotel, Annual DDPS Dinner.

Information published by Leisure and Culture Dundee.
Dundee and District Philatelic Society
13th Mar 19:30
27th Mar 19:30
10th Apr 19:30
8th May 19:30
17 Roseangle