The Street Lighting Partnership is a partnership between Dundee City Council, Angus Council, Perth & Kinross Council, and Tayside Contracts. Within Dundee the partnership is responsible for the maintenance of Dundee City Council's street lighting apparatus which includes 25,000 street lights and 3,000 illuminated signs and bollards throughout the city, as well as a variety of other items of electrical street furniture. The partnership team are responsible for ensuring the safe function of electrical infrastructure within the public realm at all times through maintenance, electrical testing and replacement of life expired equipment as required. The team undertake lighting and electrical design work and provide professional advice to housing developers, community groups, elected members and the emergency services, together with working in close cooperation with SSE to provide power supply points to the infrastructure. The partnership also provide design and installation services for a number of electrical installation projects for public and private clients within Dundee.
- Street Lighting Capital Programme 2025 (69KB PDF)
The programme is subject to change throughout the course of the year due to factors which influence programming such as resource availability, column or cable network condition or network access restrictions associated with third party works. This programme of annual planned works are funded from the capital investment budget and derived from a prioritisation process of works requirements.
In addition to the locations listed in the programme, the Streetlighting Partnership also undertakes routine and reactive works which are funded from the revenue budget. These additional works are typically defect repair works of a smaller scale to the projects listed above. Routine and reactive works are identified and addressed continuously throughout the year and as such are not included in the annual programme. - Street Lighting Annual Performance Report 2021/22 (242 KB PDF)
- Service Standards
- Street Lighting Facts