Where are the Bikehangars located?
There are Bikehangars located all over Dundee. If you visit the Cyclehoop website and put in your postcode, you’ll be able to see map of all the locations.
Will you be installing more Bikehangars?
Cities like Edinburgh and Glasgow have Bikehangars and their schemes have proven extremely popular – we believe this will be the same in Dundee, and we hope to install more Bikehangars in the future.
What if there are no Bikehangars near me?
If there are no suitable units nearby, you can go to the Cyclehoop website, put in your postcode, and click on "Can’t find parking? Suggest a location" button on the bottom-left of the screen. We will use this data to inform the location of further units.
How secure are the Bikehangars?
The units have been independently tested and approved by Sold Secure, the premier British testing and certification body for all security products. Diamond accreditation is awarded to products that provide the highest level of security. Bikehangars incorporate a high-security lock mechanism which is resistant to angle grinders, and have double-layered solid side panels, and are the only cycle hangars on the market to achieve Diamond standard.
Will my cycle be insured whilst stored in a Bikehangar?
Insurance is not included in your membership. You park your bike in the Bikehangars entirely at your own risk. That is why we recommend registering your bike and using a quality lock with an appropriate level of security for your bike value.
If you have home insurance and think your bike is covered under it, we strongly recommend reading the wording carefully to make sure you have the level of cover you want. If your policy covers cycles, they will usually need more details like the manufacturer, model and value. They may charge extra to insure higher value bikes, especially whilst away from home, which will apply to Bikehangars. Please visit the Cyclehoop website for more information on this topic.
I have a non-standard cycle (such as a trike, cargo-bike or adapted cycle) Will it fit in a Bikehangar?
A Bikehangar is set up to fit six standard cycles. However, if you have a non-standard cycle and would like a space, this can be altered to fit your cycle. Please get in touch with Cyclehoop via rentals@cyclehoop.com or 0208 699 1338, and they will be able to assist you.
How do you chose locations for a Bikehangar?
We use a combination of factors in siting the Bikehangars, in order to ensure that they are well-used and benefit as many people as possible. Factors include: proximity to existing and planned cycle routes, proximity to existing and planned 20mph zones, nearby housing type, population density, deprivation levels, and existing demand.
Why have the Bikehangars been placed within parking spaces/on the road?
To ensure the success of the Bikehangars, they must be conveniently located very close to people’s homes. They will also be most successful in areas with a high density of flats, especially older tenements. In such areas, alternative space is often extremely limited, with the preferred option being to put the Bikehangars on the road. This is to preserve valuable pedestrian space and to ensure pavements remain accessible for people in wheelchairs, using buggies etc.
These on-road units have taken a tiny fraction of the overall on-street car parking available in Dundee. However, where car parking is extremely limited and where possible, we have located the Bikehangars on very wide pavements or built slabs on grass to accommodate the units.
Access to safe, secure cycle storage at home is one of the biggest barriers to cycle ownership in Dundee, which has the second-lowest car-ownership rate of any local authority in Scotland – over 40% of households do not have a car and rely on alternative forms of transport, including cycling. By installing a Bikehangar in a single car parking space, we are removing this barrier and providing six parking spaces for cycles.
Contact Details
Email: cycling@dundeecity.gov.uk