The Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, Section 89, requires that the use of a “raised structure” must be approved by the relevant local authority. In this context, “raised structure” means a platform, stand, staging or other similar structure, which provides seating or standing accommodation. Section 89 applications are not required for any type of sports equipment. E.g. boxing ring. This requirement does not apply where, a Building Warrant has been granted or, scaffolding or similar equipment is used in connection with building works.
Any structure/s under 600mm from the finished stage level to the ground level do not require Section 89 consent please note however in the event of a graded ground level this may be required if the maximum height at any point exceeds 599mm.
Although consent may not be required, an application should still be submitted ( fee not required) as this will allow confirmation of exemption to be issued.
The Service has to be satisfied that the raised structure:
- has been safely constructed and secured, and;
- has sufficient means of access and egress, including means of escape in an emergency situation.
The Service may also specify any conditions deemed necessary for the use of the raised structure, including the maximum number of persons permitted to use it.
An application form and plans should be submitted at least 28 days prior to the proposed date of use of the raised structure.
Applications can be made online here.
Further Advice
Further advice and information can be obtained by calling 01382 434000 during office hours or by email to