Licensing Privacy Notice

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

What personal data do we collect from you?
We collect and use your personal data for the following purposes;

  • processing licensing applications (licences, permits, notices etc)
  • Making relevant and necessary checks for issuing licences
  • logging actions taken
  • logging, investigating and updating you about a complaint that you have made

This is necessary in order for us to be able to fulfil our statutory obligations and responsibilities to issue licences and to investigate complaints or concerns. This includes the use of data such as;

  • your name
  • your address
  • your medical history
  • your criminal record history
  • details of how your complaint affects you
  • Any vulnerabilities you may have
  • notes about any relevant circumstances that you have told us about

What legal reason do we have for using your data?


  • Licensing Act 2005
  • Gambling Act 2005
  • Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963
  • The Dangerous and Wild Animals Act 1976
  • The Riding Establishments Act 1964 and 1970
  • Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013
  • The Breeding of Dogs Act 1973 & 1991
  • The House to House Collections Act 1939
  • Hypnotism Act 1952
  • Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

How we use your data

When issuing licences:

  • To carry out appropriate and proper checks when issuing licences.
  • To maintain public registers.
  • To inform our decisions.

When dealing with complaints:

  • To update you of our actions.
  • To request further information or evidence from you.
  • To seek an update of the current issues.
  • We do not share your information with the subject of your complaint without your expressed permission and only when it is crucial to the case. If you agree to provide a statement or attend court it is likely that your information and/or identity will be made available to the subject of the complaint. This will be discussed with you before the information is provided.

Additionally you may contact the Licensing Team for support or information about safeguarding or if you wish to report, or are a victim of Hate Crime or Domestic Abuse. In these circumstances it may be necessary for us to share details with safeguarding partners and/or the police to keep you or others safe.

How long do we keep your data?
In most cases we will keep your data for 1 or 3 years depending on what the term of the licence is after which we will ensure it is securely disposed of. In some circumstances this period may differ.

Who will your personal data be shared with?
Your personal data will not be shared with others without your consent, unless they are processing this on our behalf, or because we are legally required to, for example for the prevention and detection of crime. The Licensing Team has a number of Information Sharing Agreements with partner agencies such as Police Scotland, Trading standards and event organisers. It may be necessary in some cases for us to share your information with our partners to ensure that your request is dealt with in the most appropriate way. Where information is shared, it is done in accordance with our Information Sharing Agreements, which ensures that your information is shared, stored and deleted in accordance with the legal requirements.

How can you access your personal data?
You have the right to request access to your information, to request that it be rectified if incorrect, to restrict its processing and to its erasure in certain circumstances for example if we are no longer legally required to keep it. You also have a right to object to its processing when its use is not provided for by law for example to the processing of your email or telephone contact details.

If you want to know more about your rights relating to the personal data we hold about you or you have a complaint regarding the way we have handled your personal information please contact our;

Data Protection Officer, Dundee City Council, Ian Smail, Information Governance Manager
Corporate Services, Dundee City Council, 21 City Square, Dundee DD1 3BY
Tel: 01382 434206

If however you remain unhappy, then you have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner at: - Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. By phone on 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745. Visit their website for more information at-