Local Place Plans offer communities the opportunity to submit ideas and proposals for their area that can be taken into consideration while the Local Development Plan is being prepared.
The Scottish Government has introduced Local Place Plans to encourage communities to play an active role in the planning process for their area. Local Place Plans should outline a community’s proposals for the development and use of land, providing a new opportunity for communities to contribute ideas and proposals into the planning system.
Local Place Plans can help communities understand what they want to be like in the future and contribute to the development of a positive community identity.
Local Place Plans can be specific to a single place or building or cover a wider geographic area. Once registered, Local Place Plans will be taken into account in the preparation of the Local Development Plan.
Invitation to Prepare Local Place Plans (from 19th May 2023)
Dundee City Council will soon be preparing a new Local Development Plan setting out the future aspirations and ambitions of Dundee. The new Local Development Plan for Dundee is intended to be adopted in early 2028.
Communities who prepare a Local Place Plan will have the opportunity for their ideas and proposals to be taken into consideration in the preparation of the Local Development Plan. In order to feed into the early stages of the preparation of the new Local Development Plan, Local Place Plans should be submitted by the end of June 2025.
The main requirements for a LPP are that it must:
- Be prepared by a community council or a community body (as defined by Community Empowerment legislation);
- Be a proposal as to the development or use of land, and;
- Fulfil the legal requirements set out in the relevant legislation (these are explained further within the Circular).
Please see links for guidance on creating Local Place Plans:
Planning circular 1/2022: Local Place Plans - Scottish Government guide to preparing, submitting and registering Local Place Plans
Our Place – Local Place Plans - Scottish Government and partner organisation guide to Local Place Plans
Guide to Community-led Plans - Planning Aid Scotland (PAS)
Dundee City Council Local Development Plan – Local Development Plans allocate sites, either for new development, such as housing, or sites to be protected. They guide decisions on all planning applications.
National Planning Framework 4 – This is the statutory development plan for Scotland.
If you have any questions about Local Place Plans, please get in touch.
Email: localdevplan@dundeecity.gov.uk
If your community group are considering preparing a Local Place Plan, we would really like to hear your initial views before you begin this.
Please do let us know the following information by emailing: localdevplan@dundeecity.gov.uk
- Name of Organisation/
- Which category is your community organisation: ( Community Council / Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation / Community Body / Other )
- (a “community-controlled body” means a body having a written constitution and membership of the body is open to any member of that community) *NB – Eligibility to prepare and submit a Local Place Plan is detailed in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.
- Area to be covered through Local Place Plan
- Summary of community organisation’s anticipated aspirations/ solutions to be detailed in Local Place Plan
- Name of main contact
- Main contact phone number
- Main contact address
- Any other information you would like to tell us at this stage