Dundee City Council
Planning Enforcement Policy (November 2000; revised September 2006)
The Council has a general discretion to take enforcement action against any breach of planning control, if it considers such action to be expedient, having regard to the provisions of the Dundee and Angus Structure Plan 2002 and the Dundee Local Plan Review 2005, which together constitute the Development Plan.
Part VI of the Town and Country Planning Act 1997, Chapter IV of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997, The Town and Country Planning (Enforcement of Control) (No 2) (Scotland) Regulations, 1992, Circular 4/1993 and Planning Advice Note 54 together provide the basis for the Council’s enforcement responsibilities.
Purpose of a Policy Statement
To ensure that Council members and officers, external agencies and the general public are aware of the Council’s approach to its enforcement responsibilities.
Objective of the Council’s Enforcement Policy
To ensure that developments are undertaken which conform to existing planning legislation or, in the case of planning and related consents that developments concur with the approved plans and with any relevant conditions.
The Council’s enforcement powers are delegated to the Development Quality Committee, and under the terms of Standing Orders, to the Director of Planning and Economic Development and the Depute Chief Executive (Support Services).
The Council’s enforcement responsibilities will be administered on a daily basis by the Director of Planning and Economic Development through Enforcement Officers (01382 433319 or 433315), in close liaison with the Councils legal staff.
The Development Quality Committee will annually receive a report from the Director of Planning and Economic Development on enforcement activity, when the opportunity will be taken, if necessary, to amend its enforcement policies.
Guiding Principles
In considering the appropriateness of taking enforcement action, the Council will:
- assess each identified or reported breach of planning control without undue delay
- assess the breach with regard to the provisions of the Development Plan other material planning considerations and in particular whether the breach would adversely affect public amenity or the use of buildings meriting protection in the public interest
- instigate enforcement action commensurate with the breach to which it relates
- treat each potential breach on its individual merits, taking the above points into account, with the responsibility for determining priorities and scope of action being delegated to the Enforcement Officer in consultation with other relevant officers
- where there is an identified unauthorised development, firstly attempt by negotiation to persuade the owner/occupier to remedy the breach voluntarily
- not permit such negotiations to hamper or delay formal enforcement action, where required
- initiate formal enforcement action, where necessary, as rapidly as possible, taking into account the circumstances of each case
- acknowledge and record all notified potential breaches, indicating details relating to investigation and action.
- Enter on Statutory Registers all Enforcement Notices, Breach of Condition Notices, Stop Notices and Amenity Notices. The Register will be available for view free of charge by the general public.
- It will be the general responsibility of Planning and Transportation staff to notify an Enforcement Officer of any potential unauthorised development.
- On a risk-assessed basis, developments with planning permission will be monitored and inspected as necessary.
The Development Plan
Future Reviews of the Dundee Local Plan as appropriate will incorporate policies which provide a guide to enforcement priorities and practice and serve as a basis for the effective deployment powers, all in accordance with Para 14, of PAN 54.
Basis for Enforcement Action
In the event of unauthorised developments and breaches of conditions, the following stages of enforcement action will apply:
- Anonymous written or telephone complaints will not normally be investigated.
- All written and telephone complaints will be registered. Written notifications will be acknowledged in writing.
- On notification of a confirmed breach of planning control, the Enforcement Officer will, in writing, require the breach to be regularised within one month.
- If the breach is not regularised to the satisfaction of the Council, enforcement action will be instigated, firstly, with the service of a Planning Contravention Notice to establish that the formal action will be taken against the appropriate person(s). This will be served within 7 days of the expiry of the time period specified for the regularisation of the breach. Failure to reply to this Notice is an offence which will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal for possible prosecution.
- If expedient to do so (in terms of this Policy Statement), where the breach has not been regularised, an Enforcement Notice or Breach of Condition Notice will be served within 7 days of the expiry of the Planning Contravention Notice.
- The Notices will specify a date for compliance. The breach will be inspected within 7 days of the compliance date and significant steps must have been taken to rectify the breach within a further period of 10 days. If this 10-day period is exceeded, or if no efforts have been made at all to remedy the breach, the Council will report the circumstances to the Procurator Fiscal.
Urgent Action
Where there is an immediate threat to public health and safety, Stop Notices (and accompanying Enforcement Notices) will be used, subject to legal advice.
In circumstances where the Council considers that immediate action is required to halt or remedy a breach of planning control, it may, subject to legal advice, seek an interim interdict from the Sheriff Court, and/or exercise its powers to enter the land or building concerned to undertake work to rectify the breach and subsequently recover the costs from the offender.
The Council will establish, within the Planning and Economic Development Revenue Budget, a rolling contingency fund of £5,000 per annum in relation to this commitment.
Enforcement Manual
In accordance with the advice given in Planning Advice Note 54, the Council will prepare and keep under constant review a Procedures Manual for use by officers involved in the enforcement service.
Performance Indicators and Best Value
At present there are no Accounts Commission performance indicators relating to enforcement.
Status of this Policy Document
This document is not a definitive statement of the Council’s legal position on enforcement matters, nor should it be taken to be an authoritative interpretation of the law.
Please Note: This information can provide only a general summary of the development quality process.