Latest Planning News


Due to the impact of Storm Eowyn, calls to the duty planning officer will not be answered on Friday 24 January.  If you require to speak to the duty planning officer, please email, leave your phone number, and request a call back.  The mailbox will be constantly monitored and an officer will call you back as soon as possible.


Planning Payments

Payments for Planning applications can no longer be made at Dundee House and should now be made using one of the following methods:

by credit or debit card by telephoning 01382 433066

Or alternatively

by bank transfer to:

Account: Dundee City Council, City Development
Sort Code: 83-50-00
Account Number: 00658059

Please use either the Planning application or E-planning online reference as a payment reference where possible.

Once payment has been made, emailing to advise will assist in the progress of your application.