Where to get housing information and advice

There are lots of local and national organisations and agencies that can give you information and advice about housing issues.

This information is provided as part of the service we offer through this website. Unfortunately Dundee City Council cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy or content of websites we link to.

NameAddressContact details
Lettings Centre169 Pitkerro Road
Dundee DD4 8ES
Tel: 01382 307400
Customer Services Delivery from April 1st 2023
East District
Housing Office
169 Pitkerro Road
Dundee DD4 8ES
Tel: 01382 307401
Customer Services Delivery from April 1st 2023
West District
Housing Office
3 Sinclair Street
Dundee DD2 3BE
Tel: 01382 307301
Customer Services Delivery from April 1st 2023
Homeless Services Unit169 Pitkerro Road
Dundee DD4 8ES

Tel: 01382 432001
24 hr Homelessness
Advice Line 0800 633 5843

Customer Services Delivery from April 1st 2023

New CONNECT service Tel: 01382 431205
Shelter Housing Aid Centre1 Courthouse Square
Dundee DD1 1PD
Tel: 0808 800 4444
Dundee North Law Centre101 Whitfield Drive, Dundee DD4 0DXTel: 01382 307230
Citizens Advice BureauDundee Central Library
Wellgate Centre
Dundee DD1 1DB
Tel: 01382 214633
Dundee Federation of
Tenants' Associations (DFTA)
Ten, Constitution Road
Dundee DD1 1LL
Tel: 01382 305718
Tenants Information Service (TIS)Suite 124
128 Baltic Chambers
50 Wellington Street
Glasgow G2 6HJ
Tel: 0141 248 1242
Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS)74-78 Saltmarket
Glasgow G1 5LD
Tel: 0141 552 3633
Private RentingScottish Government advicehttp://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Built-Environment/Housing/privaterent