Wasps and Bees

On receipt of a complaint concerning wasps, we can normally carry out the necessary treatment within 24 hours, although this can be slightly longer during the summer months when such problems are at their peak.

It is worth noting that although wasps can be an everyday occurrence, control is not without its problems. The location of nests can often be in awkward or confined spaces or indeed at height in the eaves of a building.

Control, including the removal of nests is a hazardous operation and should always be left to professionals with proper effective materials and protective clothing.

For bees, we do not treat for bumble bees or honey bees as bee species are very important and should be protected where possible.  Only in extreme situations where safety is threatened may a treatment be carried out for bees. Should you have a swarm on your property, a local beekeeper may be prepared to remove the swarm. We can provide details of local beekeepers however more advice on swarms can be found on the Scottish Beekeepers Association website.

For Financial Year 2024/25, the charge for carrying out treatments is £108, however Gulls/Pigeons/Birds (misc) and Bed Bugs as well as some larger insect infestations require a Pest Control Officer to visit to determine the best course of treatment and a price will be discussed at that time. 

An uplift of an animal carcass is £48 for financial year 2024/25. 

If you wish to proceed to book a treatment please request it online.

 Pest Control - Request It

Email: pest.control@dundeecity.gov.uk
Tel: 01382 436288 or
Tel: 01382 434343 (emergency call-out late May to September)