Community Learning and Development (CLD) Service

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Community Learning and Development supports disadvantaged or vulnerable groups and individuals of all ages. Our staff working in Youth Work, Adult Learning (Literacies and ESOL), Community Empowerment and Community Health focus on bringing about positive change in the lives of individuals and communities, through learning, personal development and active citizenship. Support is provided in community centres and other venues across the city.

This service is focused on improving life chances and developing resilient and influential communities. We are the lead service for Local Community Planning and Dundee’s CLD Plan.  

The CLD service supports and facilitates partnership working between community groups and statutory and voluntary partners to tackle issues such as poverty and inequality, both through Local Community Planning and our capacity building work.  We manage council funds directed at supporting community groups and organisations and contribute to Dundee’s community wealth agenda by bringing external in funding to the city and leading on the council’s asset transfer processes.  

You can read more about how Dundee City Council's CLD Service works with partners and communities to deliver community learning and development across the city:

Dundee partnership Community Learning and Development (CLD) Plan 2024 -2027 (2MB PDF)