The Dundee MyBins app is a one-stop-shop for all your waste and recycling needs. Bin collection calendars, recycling tips and advice, quick and easy access to online waste/recycling services, news and more.
Visit the Dundee MyBins App webpage Dundee City Council is fully committed to the Scottish Government’s zero waste hierarchy and priorities. The hierarchy identifies the reduction of waste as the highest priority, followed by reuse, recycling, recovery (e.g. energy from waste), with disposal as the least desirable option. The waste hierarchy guides our overall approach to how we manage your waste:
Dundee residents continue to have a key role in helping reduce our environmental impact.
The following section explains what happens to your waste after collection from the Kerbside, a local recycling point or a Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC).
What happens to my ...
Further Recycling Information
A-Z Recycling Guide
Recycling Leaflet for Kerbside Properties
Recycling Leaflet for Communal Properties
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