Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) is the fastest growing waste stream in the UK! WEEE can be classified as any item which uses a battery or has a plug; e.g. a battery-operated MP3 player and a plug-in hairdryer would both be considered types of small WEEE.
It is now possible for Dundee householders to recycle waste electrical/electronic items at Dundee City Council Recycling Centre. Separate containers have been provided for the following five categories of WEEE:
- Large Electrical Appliances (such as washing machines, dishwashers, cookers, microwaves and tumble dryers)
- Small Electrical Appliances (such as irons, hairdryers, tools, video games, IT
and telephone equipment) - Fridges & Freezers
- Fluorescent Tubes
- Televisions and Monitors (including computer monitors and screens)
WEEE that is collected at Household Waste Recycling Centres will be processed for recycling/reuse and any hazardous components will be disposed of safely.
For further information contact:
Email: environment@dundeecity.gov.uk
Tel: 01382 433710 Option 7