
Brown Street Kennels

Brown Street Kennels, Brown Street, Dundee DD1 5DT
 01382 432100
 01382 432102


Mongrel, female, aged 13 months, brown sable and white, short coat, large.


Storm is very friendly and excitable around people. She would not suit a home where there are children under teenage years she can be mouthy when playing. Although Storm is playful with other dogs she can be very full on and can act dominant with them due to this she would have to be the only dog in the house. Also she would greatly benefit from the 1 to 1 training. 

Storm is destructive and will chew things up in the house. She will also steal food if given the opportunity and is very strong on the lead when out for her walks.Storm loves her exercise and getting attention.

Storm will need someone who is at home for most of the time to give her the training and exercise that she requires. 


Available For Rehoming
Year Rehomed