All dogs currently available for re-homing are able to be viewed by clicking on the 'Available Dogs' button. Should you be interested in any particular dog, or if you indeed have an inquiry on any aspect relating to the kennels you should contact Brown Street Kennels on Dundee 01382 432100 where a member of staff will provide you with further information.
To know more about the history of the kennels click the History link in the right hand column.
If you are looking for a dog as a pet, then the Council’s Animal Control Section may have the perfect canine pal for you.
Every year about 250 dogs are successfully re-homed from the kennels. Most of the animals which are found new homes have been brought to the kennels by the owners because they are no longer able to look after them.
Prospective new owners are assessed to ensure they are responsible people able to give the animals the attention they deserve.
A charge is made to cover kennel costs.
From July 2012 all dogs rehomed from Brown Street Kennels will be micro chipped
Microchipping of dogs
From the 6th April 2016 it will be compulsory for all dogs over 8 weeks old in Scotland to microchipped under The Microchipping of Dogs (Scotland) Regulations 2016. Brown Street Kennels have trained personnel who are able to microchip your dog, the current cost for this service is £20.00 inc VAT. Further information about the new Regulations can be found on the Scottish Government website.
Stray Dogs
Should you find a lost or stray dog, or see one roaming around, then please contact our Animal Control Officers with a description of the dog and the area it was last seen. In the interest of safety for both the animal and the public we would, as a matter of priority, seek to have officers in the area as soon as possible.
Should you find a stray dog, please contact the following:
- During normal office hours
Dundee City Council on 01382 436285 - Outwith normal office hours
Police Scotland non emergency number on 101