
Brown Street Kennels

Brown Street Kennels, Brown Street, Dundee DD1 5DT
 01382 432100
 01382 432102

Dougal (2016) Image


Cross Bichon Frise, male, aged 3-4 years, white & gray, coat will be long and  curly, small

Dougal came into our care as a stray due to this we do not have a great deal of information on him. He seems to be friendly with people although he will have a bark at strangers, he also seems to be fine around other dogs. Dougal has had some training as he will sit to get his lead on and will give a paw for a treat. He will need to attend a groomers on a  regular basis to keep his coat in good condition. Dougal will need a home where he can get the attention and exercise that he requires.

Available For Rehoming
Year Rehomed