Reproduction of Images

Re-use is defined as use of an image for a purpose other than that for which was it was created, or re-publishing it. This includes the use of images in books, leaflets, websites, posters, merchandise, films, etc. Images can be photographs, drawings or copies of documents.

If you want to re-use an image you need to find out who owns the copyright. Owning a document does not necessarily mean that you own the copyright. We own many collections but in most cases the copyright is retained by the original creator of the document. We can advise you whether we hold copyright or if we know who owns the copyright of an item.

Under the terms of the Public Sector Information Regulations, the Council is required to apply standard and fair charges for the re-use of information.

Download our scale of charges (263KB PDF)

Download a Re-use of Images Request Form (23KB MS Word doc)

Information in a document can be reworded or quoted without the need to apply for a re-use licence. Please ensure that you quote the reference number (where applicable) of the document or source that the information was taken from and also the fact that it is held by Dundee City Archives.

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