Council Tax Single Person Discount Review

Single Person's Discount Review

Dundee City Council is undertaking a review of Council Tax discounts.

The council is committed to keeping Council Tax to a minimum level by:

  • Making sure everyone receives the discounts they are entitled to
  • Making sure discounts are awarded to the appropriate people

Customers who currently receive a Single Person Discount on their Council Tax will shortly receive a letter requesting they provide information to confirm that the discount should still apply.

You can supply the information online by completing the Single Person’s Discount Review form or by completing the form included with the letter and returning it to the address detailed on it. Responses can also be submitted by text.

Failure to respond to the letter could result in your discount being removed which will increase the amount of Council tax due.

Reapplying for a Single Person Discount

If you believe your discount has been removed in error and you are still the sole occupant at the address, you can reapply for a 25% discount to your council tax bill by visiting our website and using the reapply form. Please have your CT account number and postcode to hand when logging in. Checks will be carried out to ensure the discount can be reinstated and once reinstated you will be issued your revised bill.

Use this link to reapply for your Single Person's Discount.

Frequently Asked Questions

Further information can be found in the following frequently asked questions: