Transaction Problems?

A confirmation screen at the end of the transaction will indicate whether or not your payment was successful. You will be given a unique reference with which we can trace your payment.

If you experience difficulty, please contact the Customer Services Team on 434800 or email Please give details of your customer reference or account number and the date and time the problem occurred.

You may find the following information useful:

ServiceFormat of Reference NumbersExample
Council TaxFourteen digits, beginning with a '6' or
twelve digits, beginning with a '6'
Housing RentsSeven digits7654321
Parking FinesTen characters, beginning with two letters
followed by seven numbers, followed by one last character, either a number or letter
Non Domestic RatesTwelve digits, beginning with a '7'704293302896
Sundry Debt InvoiceTen characters, beginning with three letters
followed by seven numbers
Housing Benefit
Eight digits beginning with an '8'87654321
Revenues Debt
Thirteen digits beginning with a '9'9012345678901