A confirmation screen at the end of the transaction will indicate whether or not your payment was successful. You will be given a unique reference with which we can trace your payment.
If you experience difficulty, please contact the Customer Services Team on 434800 or email onlinepayments@dundeecity.gov.uk. Please give details of your customer reference or account number and the date and time the problem occurred.
You may find the following information useful:
Service | Format of Reference Numbers | Example |
Council Tax | Fourteen digits, beginning with a '6' or twelve digits, beginning with a '6' | 61234567890905 612345678909 |
Housing Rents | Seven digits | 7654321 |
Parking Fines | Ten characters, beginning with two letters followed by seven numbers, followed by one last character, either a number or letter | DD1234567X |
Non Domestic Rates | Twelve digits, beginning with a '7' | 704293302896 |
Sundry Debt Invoice | Ten characters, beginning with three letters followed by seven numbers | XYZ1234567 |
Housing Benefit Overpayments | Eight digits beginning with an '8' | 87654321 |
Consolidated Revenues Debt | Thirteen digits beginning with a '9' | 9012345678901 |