The Safety Advisory Group (SAG) for Dundee City Council (DCC) is coordinated by DCC’s Event Team, City Development and is made up of representatives from DCC, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Scottish Ambulance Service, NHS Tayside and Police Scotland. The group meets monthly to review event proposals and advise on public safety, including the safety of participants.
SAGs provide a forum for feedback and advice on public safety at an event. They aim to help organisers with the planning and management of an event and to encourage cooperation and coordination between all relevant agencies. They are non-statutory bodies and so do not have legal powers or responsibilities, and are not empowered to approve or prohibit events from taking place. Event organisers and others involved in the running of an event, retain the principal legal duties for ensuring public safety.
The types of events that may benefit from the SAG process include outdoor festivals, large scale community events and sports events such as cycling or marathons.
The guiding principle for determining which events will be invited to attend the SAG process is where there is thought to be a significant public safety risk. The criteria for identifying which events will be invited to attend the SAG process are stated within the SAG Policy. Events are scored by using the Event Risk Matrix and all events scoring within the ‘high risk’ category will be asked to engage with the SAG process.
Please consult the Dundee Safety Advisory Group Policy for more information.