Tay5G Challenge Fund - Round 2

Deadline Extended - Applications now close on 13th May

Through the Tay Cities Deal's Tay5G project, funding opportunities are available to try out and adopt diverse applications over 5G - fifth generation mobile communications. 5G can be used for diverse sectors from entertainment to manufacturing, healthcare to construction, fashion to automated transport. 

Up to £600,000 is available through the Tay5G Challenge Fund 2 to support up to six applicants who can demonstrate impactful projects for products, services or solutions which can use 5G. Tay5G seeks to fund six projects that explore 5G deployment, scaling up or adoption and use cases from all sectors and industries.   

How to Apply 

Complete the Expression of Interest Form

This allows us to capture a high-level idea of your project. At this stage, we are interested in how this funding will help advance your solution, organisation and the target sector. We also need to know how these outcomes will help achieve the goals of the Tay Cities Region Deal and the Tay5G programme. 

We do not anticipate that you will have a detailed understanding of 5G technology. Our team will work with you to identify the technical 5G expertise needed if you are shortlisted to submit a full application at Stage 2. However, you are welcome to include your own 5G technical partner in your proposal.

Applications close on 13th May 2024.

More information about the Tay5G Challenge Fund 2, including details of the eligibility criteria 

If you have any further questions after reading through the guidance, please email tay5g@dundeecity.gov.uk

All employers in receipt of Tay5G Funding must adhere to Scottish Government’s Fair Work First Guidance and provide evidence as requested by Dundee City Council to evidence this.   

About Tay5G 

Tay5G is part of the Tay Cities Deal that takes in the Council areas of Angus, Dundee, Fife and Perth & Kinross. 

The Scottish and UK Governments are supporting Tay Cities Deal for the development of strategic economic and social development projects across the region. 

To find out more about the Tay5G project , please go to www.tay5g.com

For more information about 5G, please visit the Scotland 5G Centre's website