Financial Support for Small Business Finance (Dundee) Limited

Small Business Finance (Dundee) Limited (SBFD) was established in 1987 to provide financial support to new start-up and existing business. The SBFD fund is supported by The Mathew Trust and Dundee City Council with additional sponsorship from the private sector.

Financial support from Small Business Finance (Dundee) Limited

Assistance available. Assistance normally takes the form of a loan (minimum £5,000 to a maximum of £25,000), at a fixed interest rate. The loan repayments can be over a period of 2 to 5 years. Terms and conditions are set up by a loan panel.

Who is Eligible?

Applications are welcomed from all manufacturing and service related business, whether partnership or limited company.

Retailing businesses are not normally eligible.

Any business applying must be resident in, or relocating to Dundee.

The applicant business must be solvent, or able to demonstrated solvency and that the business is commercially viable.

The business must be able to demonstrate a financial need for assistance from SBFD. Assistance is designed to complement and not replace funding from other public or private sector sources. Normally other sources of funding will match the SBFD funding in the project.

The business must have or be able to prepare an up to date business plan. Assistance is available from Business Gateway Tayside in preparing one.

Application Process

Applications should be addressed to Small Business Finance (Dundee) Limited c/o Dundee City Council, 50 North Liindsay Street, Dundee, DD1 1QE who administer the fund on behalf of SBFD. A Business Gateway advisor can advise on whether or not the project meets the basic criteria and assist with the development of a Business Plan and formal submission.

Following the receipt of all the required information, a panel of independent advisors will be arranged, which the applicant will be asked to attend. The decision whether or not to provide financial assistance is made as soon as possible following the Panel meeting.

The Business Plan Must Show

Company Information
Name, address, telephone number, legal status, date established.

The Business
History, background, details of products and or services.

Project Details
Description of the project and why the funding is required, sources of funding proposed - including your financial input to the project, amount of funding required from Small Business Finance Dundee (SBFD), proposed security for these funds, employment implications of the project.

An assessment of the market for the business products and services explaining in detail the route to market, potential customers and the sales approach and methodology which is to be adopted.

Financial Performance
Last two years audited accounts (if applicable), latest management accounts not older than 3 months (if applicable) financial projections for next 2 years, including profit and loss and balance sheets at financial year ends.

Management and Organisation
Management structure, qualifications and experience of key personnel.

For further information regarding SBFD or if you wish to discuss your project in further detail, please direct enquiries to or phone 01382 434607.