Employability Team (Adult Employability Service)

City Development's Employability Team provides tailor made services to people that are looking to move into work and for employers that are looking to recruit or get involved in other ways, for example, providing work experience.

If you’re unemployed and living in Dundee we can help with:

  • Mindset and motivation training
  • Individual tailor made action plans
  • Employability training and support
  • Setting goals
  • Accredited training
  • Access to vacancies
  • Digital skills
  • Access to IT equipment including tablets
  • Financial advice and support
  • Information on the Local labour Market
  • Job search techniques
  • Job matching
  • Dedicated employer support officers
  • Work placements
  • CV building and Applications
  • Interview skills
  • In work and aftercare support

We provide targeted support for adults who are long term unemployed, older workers, BME communities, refugees and people living in the most employment deprived areas of Dundee.

We are based in the Shore, 15 Shore Terrace, Dundee, a city centre employability hub accessible from all parts of the city.  We can help our service users with the transport costs that may be incurred in accessing our services.

If you are an employer we can help you by working with you to develop an individually tailored service to meet your business needs, this might include recruitment, development of bespoke training courses and access to wage subsidies.

In addition to delivering the Scottish Government's Employer Recruitment Incentive, we also deliver the Scottish Government's Long Term Unemployed Intermediate Labour Market Regime.

For employers and unemployed people we run Sector Based Academies and Academies for Individual Businesses. There are time limited training courses developed with employers, e.g. for Machine Operators, Hospitality, Bus Drivers, Care with guaranteed interviews upon successful completion of the course.

For more information, please contact:

Or call us on 01382 433477

We are part of the citywide Discover Work Service, part funded by the European Social Fund.

The support that we provide for individuals, either remotely or from our city centre base at the Shore, 15 Shore Terrace, Dundee.

For further information on the Discover Work Service, please visit the Discover Work website and follow both @DWSDundee and @scotgovESIF on X.

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