Priority Routes Are:principal roads, other strategic routes, main service bus routes and other heavily used roadstreated before secondary routes are dealt withkept open in preference to secondary routes during prolonged snow conditionsSecondary Routes Are:all other adopted roads and are given a lesser winter maintenance coverage than high priority routesonly dealt with after priority routes have been satisfactorily cleared Unadopted Roads: Unadopted roads will not be treated. Other areas of council responsibility, e.g. schools, parks, cemeteries, day care centres. etc will be tackled with additional council resources. Footways: Like carriageways, footways are categorised as priority and secondary. The priority routes cover main thoroughfares throughout the city, and in snow or ice conditions these are treated before moving to secondary footways. it is not feasible to treat footways for short duration frosts. Road Condition Information: The police have the final say in deciding when to close a road to traffic. If you must make a journey in difficult conditions, please listen to local or national radio for details of road conditions.