- Conservation Area Map (1.03MB PDF)
- Conservation Area Appraisal (2.04MB PDF)
The land which now makes up the Logie Conservation area was once part of the Balgay Estate, most of which was sold for housing development in the 18th century. A housing scheme at Logie was proposed by the then City Architect James Thompson in 1918 in his "Report on the Development of the City". He saw in Logie an opportunity to relieve the overcrowded slums of Dundee. With its proximity to the city centre Logie was seen as suitable for high quality tenements or cottage type housing with "Space in profusion for gardens and allotments".
The scheme opened on 27 May 1920. It became a milestone in Scottish Town Planning and a standard bearer for municipal housing throughout Scotland. The scheme of 250 apartment houses also incorporated a municipal heating scheme which supplied central heating and hot water to each house. This was the first scheme of its kind in Europe and in cold weather the pavements were said to steam.
The design of the Logie house scheme has changed little since it was built in 1920, and it has aged gracefully since. Built according to the ideals of the Garden City Movement the mature planting creates a feeling of spaciousness along the central boulevard (Logie Avenue) and the curving streets that sweep across it. Even the names of the streets, such as Sycamore, Elm and Lime reinforce a sylvan character.
The scheme is made up of three and four apartment houses which were carefully design and laid out. Their facades are enlivened by simple and effective brick detailing. The care taken over the detailing of the garden fences, gates, address plates, railings, steps and paths give the area a wonderful unity which is still intact today.