Privacy Statement for Educational Psychology Service


Member for

12 years 8 months
Submitted by Fiona Christison on

Details of process for which personal information is being used:
The Council processes personal information in order to allow children and young people to access Educational Psychology services

Who is processing this information?
The personal information you’ve provided will be processed by Dundee City Council, Dundee House, 50 North Lindsay Street, Dundee, DD1 1QE. Telephone: 01382 434000.

Why is this information being processed?
The information provided by you will be used by Dundee City Council to record details of you or your child’s involvement with the Council’s Educational Psychology Service.

Why is it lawful for the Council to process this information?
The Council is permitted to process your personal data in this way because under the terms of Section 4 of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980 it has a legal duty to provide a psychological service for children with additional support needs.

Formally, the processing of personal data provided to us for this purpose satisfies Article 6 (1) (c) of the General Data Protection Regulation - Processing shall be lawful to the extent that processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. Some of the personal information processed by Educational Psychology, such as information about health, is more sensitive and is known as Special Category Data.

The Council is allowed to process this information under the terms of Article 9 (1) (g) of the General Data Protection Regulation, with reference to Schedule 1, Part 2, Section 6 (2) (a) of the Data Protection Act 2018 - Processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest. The Council is processing this information in the exercise of a function conferred on it by law.

Will this information be shared?
Your personal information may be disclosed to third parties if it’s necessary for us to do so in order to verify its accuracy, prevent or detect crime, protect public funds, where required by law or to allow us to provide an Educational Psychology Service. We may also be asked to share information with outside bodies including the Scottish Children’s Reporter’s Administration and the NHS. We will only share relevant information when it’s necessary and appropriate to do so. The Council may check information provided by you, or information about you or information about you provided by a third party, with other information held by us.

How long will this information be kept for?
Personal information held on Dundee City Council in relation to the Educational Psychology Service is kept for 5 years after you or your child leaves school. After this it will be deleted

Personal Information Rights
Access to your information – you have the right to access the information we hold on you. There are two ways to access your data:

Subject Access Request: you have the right to request a copy of the personal information that we hold about you.

Data Portability: you can ask us for a copy of your information so that you can re-use it and we will provide it in a machine-readable format. This is a qualified right, which means it only applies in certain circumstances and only relates to information you have given directly to us.

  • Correcting your information – we want to make sure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up to date. Therefore you may ask us to correct any personal information about you that you believe does not meet these standards.
  • Deletion of your information – you have the right to ask us to delete personal information about you.
  • Withdrawn your consent – see Withdrawing consent to using your information below

Objecting to how we may use your information – You have the right at any time to tell us to stop using your personal information.

Data Protection Officer
The Council has a Data Protection Officer who you can contact in the first instance if you have any questions or complaints about how we are processing your personal information. Please contact: Ian Smail, Information Governance Manager; Corporate Services; 21 City Square Dundee DD1 3BY; Email:; Tel: 01382 434206

Information Commissioner’s Office
If you want to complain about how the Council has processed your information you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office ( or 0303 123 1113.