Dundee City Council are consulting on the following proposal:
Closure of St Pius X Roman Catholic (RC) Primary School and Nursery at the end of academic session 2025/26 (2 July 2026). Expansion of St Francis Roman Catholic (RC) Primary School catchment area to include the existing St Pius X RC Primary School catchment area.
Full details of this proposal are available on this website.
The St Pius X school building is one of the oldest in the city, except for the Edwardian and Victorian Primary Schools, and costs an increasing amount of money to maintain. St Pius X RC Primary School pupil roll has also been in decline for the last five years and is not projected to increase.
If St Pius X Primary closes, St Francis Primary would become the new denominational catchment school for all children living in the current St Pius X catchment area.
The following map shows the existing and proposed catchments.
Current St Pius X and St Francis catchment areas.
Click map to enlarge
Proposed Catchments area should St Pius X close and St Francis catchment area is expanded
Click map to enlarge
All children attending St Pius X Primary will be offered a place at St Francis primary school, if they decide not to take up this place, then they have an allocated non-denominational catchment school based on their home address. These include: Ballumbie, Claypotts Castle, Craigiebarns, Fintry, Longhaugh, Mill of Mains and Rowantree Primary Schools.
If a decision to close St Pius X Primary School and nursery is taken, the alternatives available offer more modern and vibrant learning environments for our young people.
As no catchment areas exist for nurseries in the same way as primary schools, families will have the choice to apply to any nursery provision across the city and not just within their local area.
Following the consultation period the feedback will be analysed, and the council is aiming to bring a report to the Children, Families and Communities Committee in June 2025.
Dundee City Council invite you to consider the full proposal and would like to hear your views. There are two public meetings, combined with drop-in sessions (view dates and locations on this page) where members of the public can find out more details about the proposal and express their opinions.
We also welcome written feedback.
This can be sent by email to children.families@dundeecity.gov.uk or by post to:
Mrs Audrey May
Executive Director of Children and Families
5 City Square
Floor 3, East Wing
Dundee DD1 3BA
The consultation commences on Monday 6th January, 2025 and closes on Wednesday 19th February, 2025.