To further develop our arrangements for free period product provision, the Council shall;
Maintain current the provision across our schools and community premises and monitor uptake as footfall in buildings is increasing due to Covid restrictions relaxing.
Engage with premises to ensure they are fully aware of the requirements of Act and to ensure suitable dignified access is in place including where possible in gender neutral toilets. Ensure resources required to signpost and/or aid a dignified method of access are available
Update and refresh the website and Pick Up My Period app to ensure that anyone wishing to access products know where, when and how to do this, including increased promotion of our home delivery service.
Continue with provision of the home delivery service as it was highlighted during consultation as the most popular way to access products. As more providers of products move onto the market we will evaluate uptake, performance and costs to ensure we have the best option to meet our needs and deliver best value.
Schools will include work around period poverty within Cost of the School Day Action Plans, expand availability of products within schools, including disabled toilets, and identify a suitable, dignified way for those who require access to pick up bulk products, particularly before school holidays.