Partnership WebsitesActive SchoolsAdult ProtectionAncrum Outdoor CentreBiodundeeCaird HallChild ProtectionDundee LiftshareDundee PartnershipDundee Violence Against Women PartnershipDundee WaterfrontLeisure and Culture DundeeOne City, Many DiscoveriesTrusted TraderV&A Museum of Design Dundee Scottish Local Authorities Aberdeen City CouncilAberdeenshire CouncilAngus CouncilArgyll and Bute CouncilClackmannanshire CouncilDumfries and GallowayEast Ayrshire CouncilEast Dunbartonshire CouncilEast Lothian CouncilEast Renfrewshire CouncilEdinburgh Council, City ofFalkirk CouncilFife CouncilGlasgow Council, City ofHighland CouncilInverclyde CouncilMidlothian CouncilMoray CouncilNorth Ayrshire CouncilNorth Lanarkshire CouncilOrkney Islands CouncilPerth and Kinross CouncilRenfrewshire CouncilScottish Borders CouncilShetlands Islands CouncilSouth Ayrshire CouncilSouth Lanarkshire CouncilStirling CouncilWest Dunbartonshire CouncilWest Lothian CouncilWestern Isles Council (Comhairle nan Eilean Siar) Other Useful Websites COSLACoastguard and LifeboatsDundee and Angus Chamber of CommerceHM Government (Direct Gov)HMRC Suspected Tax Evasion, Tel No 0800 788 887HMRC Report Suspicious Activity, Tel No 0800 595 000National Rail EnquiriesNHS TaysidePassport InformationPensions and Retirement PlanningPolice Scotland, Tayside DivisionScottish Fire and Rescue ServiceScottish GovernmentScottish National Blood Transfusion ServiceScottish ParliamentScottish Youth ParliamentSt Andrew's First AidTV Licensing