Plana Gàidhlig
Gaelic Language Plan
Tha Plana Gàidhlig aig Comhairle Baile Dhùn Dè a tha a' mìneachadh mar a leasaicheas sinn ar taic don Ghàidhlig. Tha a' Chomhairle dealasach a thaobh spèis co-ionann a nochdadh don Ghàidhlig.
Dundee City Council has a Gaelic Language Plan which sets out how we will develop our support for Gaelic. The Council is committed to giving equal respect to the Gaelic language.
Bithear a’ cur fàilte air conaltradh sa Ghàidhlig
Communication in Gaelic is always welcome
Plana Gàidhlig Comhairle Baile Dhùn Dè (1.8MB PDF)
Dundee City Council's Gaelic Language Plan (1.74MB PDF)
To hear sound recording of Gaelic words, please go to:
Interested in watching Gaelic speaking programmes, please go to:
Dundee City Council are launching a new booklet "Dundee's Gaelic: Gaelic in Dundee Past and Present" during World Gaelic Week 2025. This new resource celebrates Dundee's connection to Gaelic culture, language and history. Bord na Gaidhlig funded the production of the booklet. A free copy can be collected from one of our libraries or community centres. It can also be downloaded from this website.
Ceanglaichean Gu Buidhnean Nàiseanta
Links to National Organisations
Faic gu h-ìosal airson ceanglaichean gu buidhnean nàiseanta le ùidh ann an Gàidhlig:
Follow links to national organisations concerned with Gaelic:
Bòrd na Gàidhlig
Comunn na Gàidhlig
An Comunn Gàidhealach
BBC Alba
There is now a Facebook page for people in and around Dundee who want to know about opportunities to use and learn Gaelic in the city Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Deagh - Gaelic in Dundee
Tha duilleag Facebook ann do dhaoine ann an agus mu thimcheall Dhùn Dè a tha airson fiosrachadh fhaotainn mu chothroman air a’ Ghàidhlig ionnsachadh agus a chleachdadh sa bhaile.
Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Dè - Gaelic in Dundee
Buidhnean Ionadail
Local Organisations
Dundee is among a group of local authorities in north east Scotland who commissioned research, funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig and carried out by Duncan Sneddon from the University of Aberdeen, into the history, current situation and future opportunities for Gaelic. If you'd like a copy of the research findings, please email: You can listen to a summary of Duncan's research here:
Tha Dùn Dè mar aon ann am buidheann de dh’ùghdarrasan ionadail ann an ear-thuath na h-Alba a thug seachad coimiseanadh air rannsachadh, maoinichte le Bòrd na Gàidhlig agus air a choileanadh le Donnchadh Sneddon bho Oilthigh Obar Dheathain, air eachdraidh, suidheachadh làithreach agus cothroman don Ghàidhlig san àm ri teachd.
Faodaidh sibh èisteachd ri geàrr-iomradh de rannsachadh Dhonnchaidh an seo:
Beagan Fhacail Is Abairtean Cumanta
A Few Everyday Words And Phrases
Gaelic | Phonetic | English |
Fàilte | Faaltshe | Welcome |
Madainn mhath | Matin vah | Good morning |
Latha math | Laah mah | Good day |
Oidhche mhath | Oychae vah | Good night |
Gabh mo leisgeul | Gav mo leshkael | Excuse me |
Tha mi duilich | Haa mee doolich | I am sorry |
Tapadh leibh | Tahpah leuiv | Thank you |
'S e ur beatha | Shay oor behah | You're welcome |
Ciamar a tha thus / sibh | Keemar u haa us oo | How are you? (addressing one person informally) |
Ciamar a tha sibh | Keemar u haa sheev | How are you? (addressing more than one person, or one person formally) |
Tha gu math | Haa goo mah | Very well |
Chan eil dona | Chan yeyll donnae | Not bad |
Tha mi sgìth | Haa mee skee | I'm tired |
Glè mhath | Glay vaa | Very good |
Scottish Gaelic Explained