Dundee City Council is committed to innovation and continuous improvement.
We welcome external assessment, so we are always happy when Council initiatives are recognised as best practice and showcased through national awards.
Here are some of the achievements for which we have recently been recognised:
The campaign to get more people in Dundee paid the real Living Wage has been recognised by the Living Wage Foundation. Making Dundee a Living Wage City has been an ambition of the Dundee Living Wage Action Group which represents major local employers such as Dundee City Council, Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action, Dundee & Angus College, DC Thomson, Xplore Dundee and Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce, and the group has now won the 'Places Champion Award 2021'. Over 80 Dundee employers have now voluntarily committed to ensure all their staff and subcontracted staff receive a real Living Wage of £9.50 an hour, significantly higher than the government minimum of £8.91, which has led to pay rises for over 1,500 workers.

Council projects were recognised in the 2020 Scottish Public Service Awards – the Dundee Green Health Partnership won the Award for putting Policy into Practice, recognising the groundbreaking work we are doing to connect people to green spaces to benefit their mental and physical health, while Dundee’s Climate Action Plan was a finalist in the Sustainability Award, recognising the actions we are taking with partners to address the climate emergency.
Dundee Green Health Partnership also won the Best Nature-Based Project at the Social Prescribing Network Awards 2021. A great partnership improving the lives of people in Dundee.

The Dundee Humanitarian Protection Partnership won the ‘silo buster’ category in the Scottish Social Services Awards, recognising the way the city has welcomed and provided joined-up services for refugees.

The Council won the Wright Sustainability Award from Beautiful Scotland, which praised Dundee’s environmental responsibility, horticultural achievements and community participation. Beautiful Scotland commended the Council’s partnership work on restoring the dunes on Broughty Ferry’s coast, the use of land alongside railway lines and the annual planting of flowers around the city, along with work to promote sustainable travel and use of recycled materials in construction.

Two Council projects made the final of COSLA’s Excellence Awards and received Silver Awards - the redevelopment of the former multis site in Alexander Street and the use of a psychological approach to care planning - while our use of Digital Champions to take forward employee engagement in the Council’s Digital Transformation Strategy made the final of the Scottish Public Services Awards and the final of the cHeRries awards in the Terrific Team category.

The campaign to generate a buzz about Dundee around the opening of the V&A Museum of Design picked up a prestigious international award for creativity and innovation in advertising, digital marketing and public relations at the HSMAI Awards in New York. There were more than 1,100 entries for the awards with all submissions eligible to win at Gold, Silver and Bronze levels. Gold winning entries which were judged to be exceptional received Platinum status, and that is what Dundee achieved for its submission ‘The Comeback Kid: How Scotland’s Fourth Largest City Became The King Of Cool’ - fantastic recognition for the work done by 'Team Dundee' to put the city in the international spotlight.

View awards won in previous years