Out of School Clubs are safe, caring, fun places for primary aged children to go after school and during the holidays while parents work, train or study.
Clubs operating for more than 2 hours per day and more than 6 days per year are registered with the Care Inspectorate. They should be able to provide their most recent Inspection Report on request. They have trained staff who have Enhanced Disclosures and who are either fully qualified or working towards a relevant qualification. They offer a safe, caring environment where parents can have peace of mind that their children are being well looked after, and provide a planned programme of stimulating activities to encourage children to learn through play. The clubs encourage children to have an opportunity to socialise with other children of different ages and abilities in a safe environment, and provide a quiet space for children to do homework if they want to.
Out of School Care in Dundee
List of Out of School Care Clubs in Dundee (PDF)
Find your nearest Out of School Care Club: Childcare Information Service
Looking for Holiday provision? Dundee Holiday Fun
Paying for Out of School Care? Help with the cost of living | Dundee City Council
The Out of School Care Clubs in Dundee are supported by our Out of School Care Development Officers, Catherine McBennett and Evelyn Cairns. They can be contacted at:
Catherine McBennett: catherine.mcbennett@dundeecity.gov.uk
Evelyn Cairns: evelyn.cairns@dundeecity.gov.uk