List of Gourlay Shipping Plans

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21 City Square, Dundee, DD1 3BY
Tel: 01382 434494
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NameYard NoTypeDate of Launch
PS Pharos Paddle Steamer (engine only)1874
SS Youn8Irn Scr Str1859
SS Viking38Steam Ship1869
SS Libra41Irn Scr Str1869
SS Virgo46Irn Scr Str1870
Chesapeake52Iron Screw Steamer1872
Seebold52(see Chesapeake) 
Margarita53(see Rainbow) 
SS Rainbow53Iron Screw Steamer1871
SS Malaga57Steam Ship1872
Memling57(see Malaga) 
SS Pelayo of Gijon58SS1873
SS Butuan61Iron Screw Steamer1873
Hoi Lee61(see Butuan) 
SS Zampa66Iron Paddle Steamer1875
PS Riberthuus67Paddle Steamer1875
Strathearn68Iron Ship1875
SS Tern69Irn Scr 3 mast Str1875
SS Condor71Irn Scr Steamer1875
SS Hawk72Irn Scr Steamer1876
Oaklands73Iron Ship1876
Marguerite75(see Stracathro) 
Stracathro75Iron "Clipper" Ship1876
Arthurstone76Iron Clipper Ship (see Speme)1876
Speme76(see Arthurstone) 
SS Strathtay78Steam Ship1877
SS Britannia79Irn Scr Str1877
SS Barcelona81Irn Scr Str1878
Agathe82(see JOG) 
Fe82(see JOG) 
SS John Ogroats82Steam Ship1877
Mayfield83Steam Ship1877
SS Curfew84Scr Str1877
Diamond85Steam Ship1877
Emerald86Steam Ship1877
Esmerelda86(see Emerald) 
Isabel86(see Emerald) 
Koldobika86(see Emerald) 
Yturri Bide86(see Emerald) 
SS Kestrel87Irn Scr 3 mast Str1878
SS Loch Leven88Scr Str1878
SS Loch Awe89Steam Ship1878
SS Loch Earn91Steam Ship1878
SS Balmuir92Irn Scr Str1879
Hellespont92(see Balmuir) 
Jasper92(see Balmuir) 
St Clair92(see Balmuir) 
SS Lapwing93Irn Scr 3 mast Str1879
SS Amethyst94Iron Scr Str1879
SS Carlos97Steam Ship1879
Antonio McLeod99(see L Gany) 
Loch Gany99Irn Scr Str1880
Montanes99(see Loch Gany) 
Sorsogon99(see Loch Gany) 
SS Loch Maree100Steel Screw Steamer1880
Venus100(see Loche Maree) 
SS Avlona101Irn Scr Str1880
SS Garnet103Steam Ship1880
Manzanares104(see Spey) 
SS Spey104Irn Scr Str1880
Irina105(see Loch Rannoch) 
SS Loch Rannoch105Steel Scr Str1880
Paulot105(see Loch Rannoch) 
SS Carmona107Irn Scr Str1881
Amarynthia109(see MH) 
SS Merton109St Scr Str1882
SS Casino110Irn Scr 3 mast Str1882
City of Dublin111(see Mallard) 
SS Mallard111Irn Scr Str1882
SS Helen Nicoll112Irn Scr Str1882
SS Helen Nicoll112Irn Scr Str1882
SS Aston Hall113Irn Scr Str1882
SS Loch Tay115Steam Ship1883
Eden Hall116Irn Scr Str1883
Dundee117Steel Scr Str1885
Volta117(see Dundee) 
Bushio Mary119(see Invertay) 
SS Invertay119Steel Scr Str1883
SS Cygnet120Steel Scr Str1883
SS Martos121Irn Sc Str1883
SS Indus122Steam Ship1884
SS Dracona123St Scr Str1884
SS Escalona124Steel Scr Str1884
SS Loch Etive127Steel Sco Str1886
Shinno Maru127(see Loch Etive) 
SS Dundee128Steel Sco Steamer1885
Akashi Maru129(see Dean) 
SS Dean129St Ser Str1887
Athena130(see Theodora) 
Consuela130(see Theodora) 
Taurus130(see Theodora) 
Theodora130St Scr Str Yacht1887
Anna Zippitelli131(see Grebe) 
Citta di Barletta131(see Grebe) 
SS Grebe131Steel Scr Str1887
Orsolo Casabulo131(see Grobe) 
SS Fremona132Steel Scr Str1887
SS Gerona133St Scr Str1888
SS Ardle134St Scr Str1888
Jonkoping II134(see Ardle) 
Stella134(see Ardle) 
SS Dean135St Scr Str1889
Sanchir Maru135(see Dean) 
HMS Cerberus136(see Oceana) 
SS Oceana136St Twin Scr Tug1889
Alix137(see L Katrine) 
SS Loch Katrine137Steel Scr Str1889
Veloz137(see Loch Katrine) 
Manchester Enterprise138(see Queensmore) 
Parkmore138(see Queensmore) 
SS Queensmore138Steel Scr Str1890
SS Circassie139St Scr Brig1890
SS Heron141Irn Ser Str1890
SS America142SH Sor 4 mast Str1891
Memphis142(see America) 
SS Hirondelle143St Scr Str1890
SS Massilia145St Scr Str1891
SS Ptarmigan146Irn St Ser 3 mast Str1891
SS Assistance148St Str Tug1891
Tautil148(see Assistance) 
SS Mustang149St Scr Str1891
SS London153St Scr Steamer1892
SS Dungeness154Irn Ser Str1892
Inebolou154(see Dungeness) 
SS Iona155St Ser Str1892
SS Villam157St Scr Str1893
SS Nour El Bahr158St Ser Patrol Boat1893
Richard Gretch158(see Nour El Bahr) 
PS Scotia159Paddle Steamer1894
SS Fenerbahce160  
SS Haydarpascha161  
Fernandez Hermanos162(see Juno) 
SS Juno162 1895
Masbute162(see Juno) 
SS Sardinia163St Scr Str1895
SS Oratio Couppas164Single Screw Steel Steamer1895
Theofano164(see Oratio Couppas) 
Virginia164(see Oratio Couppas) 
TSS Puri165Twin Scr Steamer1895
SS Progress166Scr Tug1895
SS Paes De Carvalho167Stl Twin Scr Str1896
SS Antonia Olyntho168St Tw Scr Str1896
SS Daniel Erno169St Scr Str1896
Dorica169(see Daniel Erno) 
Sumadija169(see Daniel Erno) 
Clounanna170(see Rotterdam) 
SS Rotterdam170St Scr Str1896
Ascog171(see Hesperus) 
SS Hesperus171St Twin Scr Str1896
SS Fenchurch174Screw Steamer1897
Hermes174(see Fenchurch) 
SS Euro175St Scr Tug1897
Batavier II176Stl Scr Str1897
Batavier III177St Scr Str1897
El Sonador177(see Batavier) 
Sir John178Irn & Steel Twin Scr Tug1897
SS Wellamq179St Scr Str1898
SS Oihonna180St Scr Str1898
SS Coburg182St Scr Str 3 mast1898
Arcturus183St Scr Str1898
Kretchet184(see Polar Is) 
Polaris184Scr Str1898
Paloona185(see Zealandia) 
SS Zealandia185St Scr Str1899
Ivan186(see Minto) 
Leytenet186(see Minto) 
SS Minto186St Scr Str1899
Skuratoo186(see Minto) 
SS Belvoir Castle187St Scr Ketch1899
Defender190St Scr Trawler1899
Emerald190(see Defender) 
Iniciador191(see Taymouth) 
SS Taymouth191Trawler, St Scr Ketch1899
SS Tayside192Trawler1899
TSS Ngapuhi193St Twin Scr Str1900
D Luiz195(see Lady North) 
Extramadura195(see Lady North) 
TSS Lady North195Twin Screw Steamer1900
SS Bengali196St Scr Str1901
Montgomeryshire196(see Bengali) 
SS Monte Video197Single Screw1901
Westbury197(see Monte Video) 
SS Ingerid198Single Screw1901
Iris198(see Ingerid) 
TSS Harry Escombe200St & Irn Tw Scr Str1901
TSS Cromer201St Twin Scr Str1902
TSS Brussels202St Twin Scr Str1902
SS Kirkcaldy206St Scr Str1902
TSS Rarawa207St Twin Scr Stmr1903
TSS Yarmouth208Twin screw1903
Cleethorpes209Paddle Steamer1903
Cruising Queen209(see Cleethorpes) 
SS Neptune211Single Screw1904
No 1212Sea Tug1904
No 2213Sea Tug1904
SS Den of Kelly214Single Screw1905
Illyria214(see Den of Kelly) 
Keats214(see Den of Kelly) 
SS Den of Mains215St Scr Str1905
Maple Branch215(see Den of Mains) 
Ada216St Scr1905
TSS Rio Mar218St Twin Scr Str1905
SS Londres220Triple Scr Str1906
Mineova220(see Londres) 
Otanto221(see Woodcock) 
SS Woodcock221St Ser Str1906
Princess Ena224St Twin Scr Str1906
Atalanta227Twin screw1907
La Bretonniere227(see Atalanta)1907
Titania228St Scr Str1908
TSS Baron Gautsch229St Triple Scr Str1908
Friuiti230(see P Hokenloke) 
Negros230(see Hokenloke) 
Prinz Hokenloke230Triple Scr Str1908