Replacement Planning Application Documentation (Fees)
Planning Applications can be viewed online at Planning Applications Online Register (Public Access) free of charge. Where there are no documents available to view online, please complete the online process at Copy Documents Ordering Process.
Where you cannot provide us with information about the application(s) for which you seek documentation and request us to carry out a search on your behalf we will charge an hourly rate of £50.
Replacement Building Standards Documentation (Fees)
Provide a copy of the Building Warrant Certificate |
Building Warrant number given | £26.25 |
Building Warrant number not given | £57.75 |
Provide a copy of the Completion Certificate |
Building Warrant number given | £26.25 |
Building Warrant number not given | £57.75 |
Provide a copy of a Letter of Comfort |
Building Warrant number given | £26.25 |
Building Warrant number not given | £57.75 |
Building Warrant Plans
To provide a copy of the Building Warrant plans |
Building Warrant number given | £52.50 |
Building Warrant number not given | £84.00 |
Property Searches
Planning & Building History Search | £50.00 per hour |
| |
View microfiche at Archives | Free |
Provide copy of Microfiche Plans | £126.00 |
For Building Standards the Copy Document Service can provide, where possible, copies of Building Warrants, Completion Certificates and Building Warrant plans.
In all cases, if you require copies of plans, your letter/email request must also be accompanied by documentary evidence that you are the property owner or that you have the permission of the property owner. Unless we are in receipt of this information the Building (Scotland) Act 2003 forbids access to Building Warrant files.
Please note a History Search is a chargeable service, however, the Council's Public Access site may be able to provide this information free of charge. You can search the Public Access system at
for planning application searches - Planning Applications Online Register and
for Building Standards Application searches - Building Warrants Online Register
The search will give you a list of application references along with the description of the development. The fee does not include copies of documents.