In aiming to achieve the casualty reduction targets a number of organisations are involved. The key organisations involved in road safety in Dundee are the Council’s City Development, Education and Social Work Departments, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue and Tayside NHS Board.
The multidisciplinary and integrated approach involves a number of engineering, enforcement, education and encouragement initiatives:
- Engineering
A mixture of engineering measures and techniques are used to improve safety on our roads, such as - traffic management, traffic calming and accident investigation and prevention (AIP). Each of these disciplines targets different accident types, but combine to reduce overall casualties. In addition, development control procedures and road safety audits are pursued to ensure that new developments and roads infrastructure are designed with safety in mind. - Enforcement
Enforcement of traffic laws plays a crucial role in maintaining and improving road safety. Significant resources are devoted to enforcing speed limits, the drink driving law, wearing of seatbelts and other safety related legislation such as inappropriate parking. The Tayside Road Safety Camera Partnership’s safety cameras at five sites in Dundee are a further tool in the enforcement strategy that has helped to reduce road casualties. - Education
In addition to initiatives such as the written theory examination in the National Driving Test and driver awareness training, much emphasis is also placed on the education of children. Safer Routes to School initiatives are encouraged and will be reinforced with engineering measures where appropriate. The 20mph around schools in Dundee is a good example of this. Also the 'Safe Drive Stay Alive' road show is an annual event aimed at raising the Road Safety awareness of 16-17 year olds. - Encouragement
Initiatives that encourage the use of child car seats and restraints, cycle helmets, lights and bright clothing, etc have a significant part to play in encouraging road users to adopt safe practices.
These specific road safety initiatives, combined with other schemes that are not directly aimed at casualty reduction, such as pedestrian crossing facilities, pedestrianisation and environmental improvements, have all contributed to significantly reduce