Louise Butchart
Head of Housing & Construction
- Construction Services
- Housing Options - advice regarding homelessness issues including prevention and temporary accommodation;
- Lettings - assessment of applications for housing, allocation of properties to meet assessed housing need, management of the Common Housing Register;
- Housing Support - assessment and provision of housing support services to those in need of support to help them sustain a tenancy;
- Tenancy Management - provision of sheltered housing services, caretaking services, estates management services, permissions, tenancy management;
- Private Sector housing
- Asset Management - planned and reactive maintenance service for Council housing including environmental improvements, new build Council housing, energy efficiency works, factoring service for owners of ex-Council housing, regeneration strategies;
- The Community Learning and Development service is focused on improving life chances and developing resilient and influential communities and leads on Local Community Planning and Dundeeās CLD Plan.
- Community Safety and Resilience are responsible for the Community Safety Wardens service and the Antisocial Behaviour team. This service also coordinates our Emergency Planning role.
Neighbourhood Services, 5 City Square, Dundee DD1 3BA
01382 434353