School Clothing Grant Increase Proposal

School Clothing Grant Increase Proposal Image

An increase in school clothing grants for every eligible pupil in Dundee is being proposed.

The £5 rise would bring the level up to £125 for a primary pupil and £155 for a secondary student, if they meet the criteria.

The City Governance Committee will hear that the city council has received £31,000 from the Scottish budget to manage an inflationary uplift.

Around 5,800 pupils are supported by the school clothing grant across the city.

Committee depute convener Councillor Willie Sawers said: “Reducing child poverty is an absolute top priority for the council and this proposal will help households across the city.”

A report explains that School Clothing Grants provide financial assistance towards the cost of school clothing for families on a low income.

Eligibility is based on entitlement to one of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Job Seekers Allowance - Income Based
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance,
  • Universal Credit (where take-home pay is less than £796 per month)
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Housing Benefit
  • Council Tax Reduction
  • Child Tax Credit with an income of less than £19,995 (as assessed by HMRC)

Council Children, Families and Communities Convener Councillor Stewart Hunter added: “We are still in a cost-of-living crisis and this increase would provide practical support to eligible families. Our work to cut the cost of the school day is also ongoing.”

The council’s Benefit Delivery Team supports people by automatically awarding school clothing grants to eligible families.

The team actively promotes Council Tax Reduction, which not only supports citizens with their Council Tax but allows for an automatic award for school clothing grant without the need for a separate application.

More details can be found online here

New payments will be made to eligible families over the summer holiday if the increase is approved by the committee.

The City Governance Committee meets on Monday June 24.

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