Budget and council tax

Budget and council tax Image

Council tax in Dundee for the 2024/25 financial year will remain the same as in 2023/24 after City Councillors approved proposals.

Council tax provides around 16% of the council’s income.

The Council faced a total estimated budget gap of upwards of £24 million for 2024/25.

A range of measures were taken to close this gap including savings of £14 million to set a revenue budget of £473 million, the largest proportion of which (50%) is spent on Children and Families services, with the Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership allocated 22%, 6% going to Neighbourhood Services and 3% of the total to City Development.

Depute Convener of the City Governance Committee Cllr Willie Sawers said: “Due to the cumulative impact of 13 years of national austerity, with every year that passes the council faces greater difficulty in setting its budget and it becomes particularly challenging as we make significant savings, while remaining mindful of the effects of financial pressures on individuals and families.

“Council tax is being set at the same levels as last year and this will help to prevent added pressure on household finances.

“This budget sees a commitment of £3.2million to protect vital services; £2m worth of additional funding for Children’s Services; £500,000 cost of living support and £200,000 in improving the environment.

“This year’s budget will also see no rise in the costs of school meals for all primary and secondary school children in the city.

“Difficult decisions and careful planning of the budget means that we will continue to deliver on Dundee’s priorities.

“Dundee’s reputation as a well-run, high performing, award winning and ambitious local authority that delivers best value for our communities remains intact.”

Dundee Council Tax 2024/25:

Band A: £990.95
Band B: £1,156.11
Band C: £1,321.27
Band D: £1,486.43
Band E: £1,953.00
Band F: £2,415.45
Band G: £2,910.93
Band H: £3,641.75

New executive director corporate services announced

New executive director corporate services announced

Dundee City Council has appointed a new Executive Director of Corporate Services. 

The current Head of Corporate Finance at the council, Paul Thomson will take up the post in April.


Community Film Festival

Community Film Festival

Communities across Dundee have come together to celebrate work supporting learning, empowering communities, attainment for young people and breaking down stigma through adult learning, youth work,…
