Huge Investment Across Schools in Dundee

Huge Investment Across Schools in Dundee Image

Significant investment has continued to be made in the past year upgrading schools and nurseries across the city.

The school estate is in a good position, with most of our schools and nurseries rated as good or satisfactory. This in part is due to a series of works carried out in the past year, including a new build programme, maintenance works, and a programme of general works.

These improvements include the ongoing work to replace Craigie High School and Braeview Academy with a new purpose-built community campus facility. Work started in Spring 2023 and is due to be completed in 2025.

Elsewhere, the report details that Barnhill, Craigiebarns and Eastern Primary Schools are all currently graded as C for condition. Work is being planned over the coming financial years to improve these gradings and restore these schools to grade B. Planned works will include window replacement, roof replacement, toilet refurbishments, rewire and lighting upgrades, and heating services upgrades.

The proposed investment in our service estate for session 2024/25 will be around £1.9m.

In the last year, this process of investment has recently restored the grade B status to St Ninians Primary School and St Pius Primary School.

In addition, the Harris Academy extension commenced in January 2023, and completed on programme and budget in December 2023.

The Children, Families and Communities Committee will note the level of works, school capacity rates, and will hear a safety update on school buildings.

Children, Families and Communities Conver Stewart Hunter said: “There has been a significant amount of investment made to improve our schools and nurseries to ensure they are of a high quality and meet the needs of our young people.

“It’s great to see work well under way with the East End Community Campus. This campus is a hugely important investment in the city’s future and delivery of the campus will allow us to improve educational and community facilities to help tackle significant challenges of poverty.

“Our school estate is in a great condition, and it is a testament of significant investment we have made in recent years.”

Elsewhere, the report details the school capacity levels. Action is taken each year to try and grant priority 1 pupils a space in their catchment area.

The total capacity across the primary estate is 13,261 pupils. At present 10,059 spaces are used, which represents an occupancy level of 76%. The total capacity across the secondary estate is 9,518 pupils. At present 8,213 spaces are used, which represents an occupancy level of 86%.

Councillor Hunter added: “Our school estate has shown a great deal of adaptability as the population changes.

“We continue to monitor capacities across our school estate and will make necessary changes, as is the case with Harris Academy.”

The report confirms that Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) has been used in part of the roof structure at two school buildings – St Fergus and Ardler Primary Schools. The RAAC at each school is described as in good condition currently with no structural issues apparent. City Engineers are therefore satisfied that both schools can safely operate as normal.

Regular detailed inspections of the roof areas continue to be carried out by the City Engineers at least every six months and in line with national guidelines.


The Children, Families and Communities Committee will meet on the 22nd of January.

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