Attainment Outcomes for Dundee Pupils

Attainment Outcomes for Dundee Pupils Image

Attainment outcomes for senior phase pupils in Dundee will be presented next week.   

The Children, Families and Communities Committee will hear an analysis of year group exam data in the senior phase for the 2022/23 academic year.  

The report outlines ongoing efforts to keep closing the attainment gap while detailing key actions planned to help with further improvements in the future.  

Data used in the report is taken from Insight – a tool which is designed to support self-evaluation and provide schools with their attainment information in a format that makes it straightforward to identify possible areas for improvement for pupils in S4 to S6.  

The committee will hear that the percentage of pupils in S6 in 2023 achieving one or more awards at Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) is 3% greater than the comparative authorities.   

In addition, the report will highlight that our care experienced young people have been gaining one or more awards at Levels 5 and 6 or better.  At SCQF Level 5 the proportion of our care experienced young people achieving one or more awards rose from 25% in 2020 to 52% in 2022 with a small decrease to 50% in 2023.  

In 2023, 84% of pupils in Dundee attained literacy and numeracy at SCQF level 4 or better, compared to 85% for Dundee’s comparative authorities.   

Furthermore, this year, 61% of pupils in Dundee attained literacy and numeracy at SCQF level 5 or better, in line with Dundee’s comparative local authorities.   

There are several key improvements planned to include building on the strong partnership with Dundee and Angus College; key secondary-specific improvement actions will be led by a secondary Head Teacher, and all head teachers will be required to take part in School Improvement Partnerships.  

Children, Families and Communities Convener Stewart Hunter said: “It’s great to see there are several areas that our pupils are really making progress in.  

“We want every child and young person to do well in this city and that is only possible through the huge amount of teamwork I see happening every day.  

“A lot of work goes on to support our young people and ensure they pick the path that is right for them, we have a fantastic college in Dundee, and we know a lot of our young people will choose to go on to further education there. 

“All of our schools and nurseries are taking part in the Every Dundee Learner Matters initiative, and I think that is hugely important for improving attainment across the city.  

“This report shows that there is still much work to be done, but there is no doubt that the commitment, dedication and enthusiasm is there to make that happen.”  

The Children, Families and Communities Committee will meet on Monday 4th December. 


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