Community Youth And Diversionary Funding Open To Applications

Community Youth And Diversionary Funding Open To Applications   Image

A fund to increase opportunities for young people has opened for applications. 

£200,000 has been made available to enhance community support and youth diversionary activities. 

It is intended that organisations, charities, or groups will work together to apply for funding that will help young people participate in opportunities and activities in their areas and so prevent anti-social behaviour. 

The Community and Youth Diversionary Fund is being opened to Youth Work Providers and will support collaborative proposals to encourage providers to work in partnership to positively engage with young people. 

The fund is being targeted at P7 – 18-year-olds, with the resources focused on those communities or areas which are at most risk of anti-social/offending behaviour and crime. 

Children and Families Convener Stewart Hunter said: “We want organisations to come together and work in partnership to apply for funding for new and creative ways to engage positively with our young people.  

“Diversionary funds elsewhere have seen the creation of boxing clubs, youth drop-in centres, and mental health support groups being established, and this has had a significant correlation in the drop in number of youth related anti-social behaviour.

“It’s great that young people are going to be part of the decision-making process for this funding, ensuring it will deliver for them.”

Depute Convener Roisin Smith added: “This funding is a wonderful opportunity to enhance the offering in our communities for our young people.  

“We want this money to help them grow as active citizens and reduce barriers to access support within our local communities. 

“By asking organisations, groups, and charities to work in partnership, we are hoping to see some creative proposals that will meet the needs of the community and reduce anti-social behaviour.” 

 Applications opened on 14th August until 18th September 2023. You can apply for the funding on our website.  

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