Investment in Communities

Investment in Communities  Image

Details of how £500,000 would be invested to help Dundee communities will be discussed at the next meeting of the policy & resources committee.

A total package of £1.505 million worth of investment had been previously agreed at the council’s budget meeting earlier this year, and now councillors are being asked to approve allocations into specific projects.

£300,000 of the total is being proposed for community support & youth diversionary activities.

It is intended that the investment will help young people participate in activities in their areas and so prevent anti-social behaviour.

A further £200,000 is targeted at environmental improvements, covering issues like biodiversity while also supporting community clean ups and additional street sweeping.

The proposals follow on from a £905,000 programme of investment allocations agreed earlier in June into projects tackling social inequality.

Councillor John Alexander, policy & resources convener said: “Creating the fund as part of the budget setting means that we are able to continue to deliver the city’s priorities as well as develop and further enhance our services, particularly for the most vulnerable people in our communities.

“Grouped under headings which reflect the priorities identified in the most recent city and council plans, these allocations reflect our desire to help improve our communities.

“It is important that we can encourage young people into positive activities that will help them develop a pride in their community and a sense of belonging.

“We are also keen to help put environmental improvements in place to enhance our communities and encourage local wildlife and biodiversity.”

The policy & resources committee meets on Monday June 26.

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