Progress on Treatment Standards Welcomed

Progress on Treatment Standards Welcomed  Image

Agencies leading the campaign to cut Dundee’s drugs death toll are hailing “significant progress” that has been made locally on treatment, as new national statistics are published. 

City leaders are pledging that efforts are continuing to make Dundee a better place for everyone. 

The ten Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards published by Public Health Scotland show how Dundee’s position has improved in the past year. 

The details are available here 

Dr Emma Fletcher, NHS Tayside Director of Public Health and Interim Co-chair of the Dundee Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP), said, “Our aim is to ensure that everyone who is experiencing the impact of problem substance use is supported, without stigma or prejudice, to receive the appropriate help and support.”

Superintendent Nicola Shepherd, Interim Co-chair of the Dundee Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP), said: “We will continue to listen to those who use and deliver our services and we recognise that we need to continue to drive forward the shared commitment to make things better for all our communities in the years ahead.” 

In each of the five standards which were the focus for the current assessment, Dundee’s overall position has improved over the last year, with the city now sitting in line with most of Scotland’s ADPs.

Overall progress for Dundee’s implementation of all the ten MAT Standards has been at pace, with significant milestones reached.

Organisations have worked to achieve improvements for people accessing services, with a collaborative approach across the city.

This includes:

  • Dundee was one of the first areas in Scotland to establish a multi-disciplinary Non-Fatal Overdose (NFOD) pathway. Through this dedicated outreach service, individuals are rapidly followed up after an incident which leads to positive outcomes. There has been a reduction of NFOD incidents across the city. 
  • Residents of Dundee have access to a range of treatment options five days a week which includes an innovative drop-in service which is led by third and public sectors together. Organisations have listened to those with lived experience and adapted service delivery to meet the needs of people needing support. This includes using a mixed model of drop in and planned appointments. Independent Advocacy is now available to all those accessing MAT, recognising individuals complex needs and priorities. 
  • Dundee has taken a strong Gendered Approach to services, including to the delivery of MAT standards, providing training to staff across all services. 

Dr Emma Fletcher said: “The ADP is committed to making lives better for each and everyone affected by substance use either directly or indirectly.

“I want to recognise and thank everyone who has contributed to delivering these improvements. This includes our staff and the agencies who form part of the partnership and their shared commitment to delivering the changes needed for our communities and helping Dundee to continue to thrive. 

“I would also like to say a huge thank you to all the carers, families and people with lived experience for their invaluable input.

“We recognise that there is still more work that needs to be done. Over the next year, work will include increasing drop-in clinic availability, rolling out the non-fatal overdose pathway to other vulnerable groups and progressing work in other key MAT standards.”

Superintendent Nicola Shepherd said: "I welcome the publication of the national benchmarking report which recognises and acknowledges the significant progress in the implementation of the MAT Standards and demonstrates the commitment and dedication of front-line services. 

“I have seen first-hand the increasing focus on prevention and the thoughtful, considered and innovative approaches being adopted to reduce stigma and enhance our trauma-informed responses. 

“As Interim Co-chair of the Dundee ADP I would like to pass on my sincere thanks to our front-line services for their care, support and compassion.” 

Dundee Partnership chair and city council leader John Alexander said: “This publication shows the significant progress that has been made in Dundee to implement MAT Standards for the benefit for people struggling with addiction.

“Our goal is clear – to cut the deaths.

“There is absolute determination in Dundee to reduce the harm caused by alcohol and drugs in our communities. I want see Dundee become a City of Recovery, and that is only possible through the partnership strength that is displayed across organisations and the third sector in Dundee.

“There is no simple answer available in single place for this decades-old problem. But I am convinced that we can bring the city into the future together, showing kindness, compassion and hope to everyone.”

Dundee City Council chief executive and chair of the Public Protection Chief Officer Group Greg Colgan said: “I would like to take this opportunity to praise staff in our agencies and the third sector for the immense efforts they have been making to tackle this situation in extremely challenging circumstances. 

“Publication of Dundee MAT Standards illustrates how we are all working hard to make a real difference to people’s lives and improve services.”

Christina Cooper, Chief Executive Officer of Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action, added: “The significant progress is a clear result of engaging with the voice of experience, of individuals and their families who are affected by substance use. This has allowed the partnership to shape services to meet their needs.

“Strong partnerships have developed both across the third sector and between statutory and third sector services looking to support the development and implementation of these standards in Dundee.

“This has been key to the achievements and vital to the ongoing investment required to meet the challenge moving forward.”

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