Update on Senior School Leavers

Update on Senior School Leavers Image

Increasing numbers of young people living in the most deprived areas of Dundee are leaving school achieving literacy and numeracy at SCQF level 4 or better. 

The children and families service committee will consider an update on senior phase leavers at its next meeting.

This outlines data on leavers in S4-S6 classes for the school year 2021-22, looking at national measures:

  • Percentage of Leavers Attaining Literacy and Numeracy
  • Percentage of School Leavers in an initial Positive Destination
  • Average Total Tariff Score
  • Attainment versus Deprivation 

The report details how attainment of pupils living in areas categorised as in quintile 1, or ‘most deprived’, within the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation has increased in literacy and numeracy at SCQF level 4 or better.

This now stands at 80%, higher that the city’s virtual comparator.

Meanwhile, the report also shows that increasing numbers of Dundee school leavers are going on to positive destinations, according to a new report.

There has been an increase in all leavers going on to an initial positive destination, which sits at 93.90% for 2021-22.

Positive destinations include higher education, further education, voluntary work, employment and activity agreements.

Committee convener Councillor Stewart Hunter said: “While this report reflects the impact that the pandemic continues to have on pupils’ attainment, I am pleased that we have seen improvements for pupils in the most deprived areas of the city.

“There is still more work to do, and this report is very important in helping us to plan the way forward for all pupils.”                                        

“It helps us to see, for example, where more support can be targeted to care experienced pupils to improve their attainment and assist more of them on to positive destinations.

“We are absolutely determined to ensure that all young people can make the most of their time at school and can leave equipped with skills to help them take on new challenges and opportunities.”

The report also outlines a number of areas that the children and families service is working on to enable further improvements.

This includes work with professors from the University of Glasgow to further develop the ‘Every Dundee Learner Matters’ strategy to better support schools to identify and address their contextual barriers.

Data will be used more effectively to provide targeted and bespoke support to individual schools to build capacity and to support improvement in areas specific to each setting. 

Members of the committee will hear numeracy strategy is being finalised, while a Senior Phase Improvement Plan is also developed. 

The committee meets on Monday May 15.



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