Proposal over Future of Law Nursery

Proposal over Future of Law Nursery Image

Closure of Law Nursery could go ahead if a report is approved by the children and families services committee following formal consultation. 

Questions over the facility’s future were raised after the Diocese of Dunkeld confirmed that it is selling the land, leased by the council and occupied by the nursery, and notice was then served on the council. 

Following completion of a formal consultation process, closure of the facility is now being recommended. 

The committee will hear that almost all stakeholders agreed with the council’s proposals and they felt that the potential closure was inevitable. 

An accompanying report from Education Scotland stresses that: “HM Inspectors agree that Dundee City Council has considered potential options and set out clearly how they intend to manage the closure of Law Nursery.”

Members of the children and families services committee will be told that, if the closure is approved, continued support will be provided to staff, parents/carers and children through the changes that may result from the closure.

The Executive Director of children and families would also ensure engagement continues with parents/carers to provide reassurance regarding any concerns in relation to the capacity of Early Learning and Childcare provision. 

Children and families convener Councillor Stewart Hunter said: “Although Law Nursery has provided a good environment for early learning for many years, this situation has left us with no other option. 

“We will work to make sure that support is provided to families to help them in the change to new nurseries if closure is approved. I would like to thank everyone who took part in the consultation as their views were valuable.” 

The children and families committee meets on Monday May 15.

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