MUGAs and Camperdown Craws Nest Toilet Upgrade

MUGAs and Camperdown Craws Nest Toilet Upgrade Image

Proposals will be put before Councillors next week to install new multi-use games areas (MUGAs) at three locations in the city as well as to carry out an extensive refurbishment to the public toilets at the Camperdown Park Craws Nest Play Area.

The plans include over £335,000 of investment in three MUGAs, including outdoor fitness equipment, to be installed at the Douglas Community Park, Beechwood on Cedarwood Drive in Lochee, and on Keswick Terrace in Kirkton.

Also included is a major upgrade to the public toilets located at the Craws Nest play area within Camperdown Park which includes the installation of accessible toilets.

Neighbourhood Services Committee Convener Heather Anderson said: “It’s important we continue to invest in the council-owned sports facilities within the city to give individuals the opportunity to carry out sports and physical activities within their own neighbourhoods.

“The installation of these mixed-use games areas are great in providing a versatile space fit to support a range of sports and activities for a range of people.

“Additionally, the plans to upgrade the public toilet facilities at the Craws Nest within Camperdown, with the inclusion of accessible toilets, will hopefully be welcomed by the many people who enjoy this public space.”

The funding for the projects comes from the Council’s Capital Plan 2023-28 to ‘Build Resilient and Empowered Communities’.

If approved, the mixed-use games areas works are scheduled to begin in June this year, with the Camperdown Play Area public toilets to start in August 2023.

The Neighbourhood Services Committee meets on Monday 24th April.

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